About Me, Shelly Haffly
Life’s twists and turns have a way of leading us down unexpected paths. Like many of you, I wear many hats: quilter, sewist, designer, farmer, homesteader, widow and so much more. A few years ago, after losing my husband and taking on new challenges (his chores and mine), I discovered a passion for helping others pursue their creative dreams.
During a quilt pattern design class (the very lovely Ally Ryde), I saw firsthand the struggle many talented women faced with the technical aspects of design software. That’s when a light bulb went off! My background in graphic design and technical illustration, honed during years working for Fortune 500 companies, could be the missing piece for these aspiring designers.
And so, a new chapter began. I’m here to bridge the gap between creativity and technology, offering technical illustrations and page layouts that empower quilt pattern designers to focus on what they do best – creating!
Let’s work together to bring your quilt patterns to life – without the technical hurdles. Contact me today, and let’s get started!
See the process and costs, along with more details about what technical illustrations are, and what page layouts do for your patterns.

Who Am I, Really?
Hi! I’m Shelly. A pleasantly overworked Texas farm girl with 9 dogs, 9 goats, 25 chickens, 2 horses and a rescued cat. If we meet over zoom, you just never know how scruffy I will look! I don’t take my looks too seriously so forgive me in advance for my hair in a wad on top of my head, or having sweat drip off my face. It’s a farm. I grab time outside as often as my work schedule allows. Being a widow who is still very much in love with my late husband, getting gussied up is the last thing I spend time doing. Looking forward to working with you!